Apr 28, 2022
William Green is a journalist and author of the book “RICHER, WISER, HAPPIER: How the World's Greatest Investors Win in Markets and Life.” — a book that draws on hundreds of hours of interviews with many of the world’s super-investors to demonstrate that key insights for building wealth apply to life as...
Apr 21, 2022
As Chamath Palihapitiya put it
back in April 2021, 10-K Diver is “one of the best fintwit accounts
on Twitter.” 10-K Diver loves breaking down complex financial
topics and helping people understand them via engaging Twitter
You can follow 10-K Diver on Twitter at https://twitter.com/10kdiver and
read all...
Apr 14, 2022
Morgan Housel comes back for his
second episode and Infinite Loops’ 100th episode! Morgan is a
financial writer and author of the bestselling book “Psychology of
Money” — having sold more than a million copies worldwide!
You can follow Morgan on Twitter at https://twitter.com/morganhousel,
and read his blog at
Apr 7, 2022
Dr. David Rhoiney is a Robotic
Surgeon, but his talent stack also includes being a cryptologist,
financial educator, writer, public speaker, web developer, former
Division One Basketball player and sprinter, and more! Phew...
However, he did not come from a background of privilege. He started
out homeless, and the only...