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Infinite Loops

Feb 24, 2022


Sam McRoberts is the CEO of VUDU Marketing, an SEO agency and author of the book ‘Screw the Zoo’, a book that helps you “escape from your cage, free your mind, and take over the world.” You can contact Sam on Twitter at and get his book at

Feb 17, 2022

Rick Doblin in the Founder and Executive Director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). MAPS is a leading organization in the USA supporting psychedelic and marijuana research since 1986. You can follow Rick on his Twitter at

Amy Emerson is the CEO of the...

Feb 14, 2022

Lily Francus is a risk theorist and a quantitative researcher at Moody’s. She is also the author of the ‘Midnight on the Market Momentum’ newsletter. Find Lily on her Twitter at and read her newsletter at

Jesse Livermore is an OSAM research...

Feb 10, 2022

Zachary Resnick is the Managing Partner and co-founder at Unbounded Capital, a trumpet player and composer, and a poker enthusiast. We speak with Zach about:

  • Scaling issues with BTC
  • Why isn't Bitcoin SV the prominent Bitcoin?
  • The best use-cases for Bitcoin SV
  • Can Bitcoin SV survive a govt. attack?
  • Jazz music, Poker,...

Feb 3, 2022

Dave Nadig is the CIO & Director of Research for ETF Trends and ETF Database. However, our conversation with Dave takes a curious turn and instead of ETFs, we end up discussing about:

• Tokenizing everything

• Left vs. Right brain thinking

• Working on the limitations of Web 3.0

• Role of psychology in asset...