Feb 24, 2022
Sam McRoberts is the CEO of VUDU
Marketing, an SEO agency and author of the book ‘Screw the Zoo’, a
book that helps you “escape from your cage, free your mind, and
take over the world.” You can contact Sam on Twitter at https://twitter.com/Sams_Antics
and get his book at
Feb 17, 2022
Rick Doblin in the Founder and
Executive Director of the Multidisciplinary Association for
Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). MAPS is a leading organization in the
USA supporting psychedelic and marijuana research since 1986. You
can follow Rick on his Twitter at https://twitter.com/RickDoblin.
Amy Emerson is the CEO of the...
Feb 14, 2022
Lily Francus is a risk theorist
and a quantitative researcher at Moody’s. She is also the author of
the ‘Midnight on the Market Momentum’ newsletter. Find Lily on her
Twitter at https://twitter.com/nope_its_lily
and read her newsletter at https://nopeitslily.substack.com
Jesse Livermore is an OSAM research...
Feb 10, 2022
Zachary Resnick is the Managing
Partner and co-founder at Unbounded Capital, a trumpet player and
composer, and a poker enthusiast. We speak with Zach
Feb 3, 2022
Dave Nadig is the CIO & Director of Research for ETF Trends and ETF Database. However, our conversation with Dave takes a curious turn and instead of ETFs, we end up discussing about:
• Tokenizing everything
• Left vs. Right brain thinking
• Working on the limitations of Web 3.0
• Role of psychology in asset...